About Me

    I am Dana Journey, an artist based in San Francisco, California. I recently graduated from the Academy of Art University receiving a degree in Traditional Animation and Stop-Motion. My education, which was focused on practical application and hands-on learning, has equipped me with essential knowledge of animation and fine art principles and techniques.
    During my college education, I discovered a profound love for stop-motion animation, particularly in the creation of sets and puppets. This passion has driven me to expand my skill set into various areas of fabrication, set design, sculpture, mold making, woodworking, metal machining, and more. My diverse skill set is a testament to my adaptability and versatility in the field of animation and fine art.
   Currently, I am working as an animator for a feature documentary, as a fabricator on a stop motion short film, and as a freelance artist specializing in Illustration and Animation. In my personal time, I craft my stop-motion puppets and sets, create my own illustrations and concept art, and continually strive to learn new techniques.
